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凝視著你  Gazing at you

與家人同住30年,再熟悉不過彼此,當我們聚在一起就像回到小時候般嬉笑玩鬧。發現與家人彼此的人格、習慣時常不經意互相模仿而產生交疊,有時表現出自己,有時反應出對方; 站在牆後凝視著鏡頭、夜裡敷面膜看平板、睡覺呈現不自然的姿勢、小女孩在正式場合不專心的往鏡頭看去...那些日常偶然的景色或新舊照片穿插,似刻意卻又自然,表現真實自我的行為反應,呈現某種獨特的曖昧語境。



This work is based on my hometown, Taipei, and it explores the relationship of my family. Living together for such a long time, my family members have been used to each other. However, the more memories we shared, the more subtle similarities start to show up. Therefore, I began to trace the history, such as old albums and memories, and compare them with the current status of my family. In the light of the compare, I become interested in identifying and trace of time. Meanwhile, I also discover my family members’ personalities reflect that every family member has been imitating each other unwittingly for a long time. For instance, we often apply masks when watching the tablet or take a nap with a funny pose. In other words, my family’s body language, facial expressions, and even habits seem to have effects on one another. With these observations on my family, I try to convert the subtle and ambiguous interrelationship into a family documentary series.

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