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截圖 2023-11-04 下午4.39.42.png
再會相愛相殺  Bye bye love
再會相愛相殺  Bye bye love

2022年我們共同做了一個作品「相互愛上殺害後再彼此相愛」,這是我們結為連理前,將攝影融入生活 ,事後卻發現各自並沒有單純的紀錄彼此,反而以攝 影作為支配,決定對方想成為的樣子,但攝影能證明 內在與外在世界交互後的複雜關係嗎?今年我們再 度相愛相殺,並以現場即興互動方式,直視情感間幽 微的複雜面向。

In 2022, we jointly created a work called 'Seeing through Loving and Quarrelling.' The work into our lives was assembled by the photos we had taken before becoming a couple . Afterwards, we realized that we were not simply documenting each other, but rather using photography to control and determine how the other wanted to be seen. Can photography really prove the complex relationship if lovers? The new work we are going to make in the art space is through live interactive means to look directly at the subtle and complex aspects of our emotions.




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